Department Of Marine Sciences

Department of Marine Sciences was established in the year 1978 in Berhampur University. Berhampur University is the only university in the state which offers M.Sc, M.Phil. and Ph. D/D.Sc. courses in Oceanography and Marine Biology. The prime objective to establish such a department was to prepare quality manpower in the field of Marine Sciences, both through teaching and research, to meet the demand of the state as well the country. Orissa has a long coastline of 480 Km. and is bestowed with unique ecosystems, estuaries, coastal and marine living and non-living resources and beautiful sandy beaches. Developmental activities such as construction of ports and harbors, aquaculture and other industries, tourism etc. are mostly concentrated along the coastal belt. But coastal hazards such as cyclones and floods, which very often ravage the Orissa coast, retard the developmental activities to a large extent. Keeping in view the strategic importance of the coastal areas of Orissa for defence, tourisim etc., the Govt. of Orissa in co-ordination with the Central Government has initiated the integrated Coastal Zone Management( ICZM) programme for all round development of the state.Therefore to promote such activities and to make sustainable management of the natural and physical resources of the coastal environment, and to provide the right momentum to the developmental activities, there is an imminent need to involve skilled manpower in the field of Marine Sciences. The Department of Marine Sciences has been striving to achieve this goal since its inception. Besides the development of the state, the students of Marine Sciences are actively involved in the national and international development and a few of them have proved themselves as leaders in the field of Marine Sciences and allied subjects.

  • To optimize health care in the society through promotion of safe, effective, rational medicine use, patient counseling and monitoring of diseases and its management.
  • To promote Pharmaceutical education, focus on the image of Pharmacists as competent healthcare professionals and sensitize the community on vital professional issues.
  • To cater the needs of trained manpower in Pharmaceutical, Healthcare and Allied sectors through Pharmaceutical Education and Research.
  • To be a pioneer institution in Pharmaceutical Education with focus on innovative teaching and research in creating trained manpower with expertise in the field of Pharmaceutical, Health care and Allied sectors.

List Of
External Mentors

  • Professor Uma Charan Mohanty, Visiting Professor, School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences, IIT, BBSR, Email:ucmohanty@gmail.com
  • Professor T. Balasubramanian, Former Vice-Chancellor, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education Kelambakkam, Chennai, Former Chairman-SEAC Tamilnadu, Govt. of India, Email:stbcas@gmail.com
  • Dr. Swadhin Behera, Director, Application Laboratory, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Email-skb@frontier.esto.or.jp
  • Dr. A.K. Mitra, Scientist-G & Head, National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF), Govt. of India, Noida, UP, Email:akm@ncmrwf.gov.in
  • Dr.� Prabhakar Mishra, Scientist-F, National Centre for Costal Research, MoES, NIOT Campus, Pallikaranai, Chennai, Email:pmishra.moes@gmail.com

Download Syllabus


Research Area in the Marine Sciences

Geochemistry, Remote Sensing and GIS Applications to coastal water, Coastal processes, climate change, EIA Studies, Coastal biodiversity, Coastal aquaculture, Primary Productivity and coastal pollution.

Project Execution in the Department (Ongoing and Completed)

Sl. NoName & address of the Principal InvestigatorName of the ProjectFunding AgencyCost of the Project(Lakh)
Dr. P.K. Mohanty, ProfessorEnvironmental Monitoring of Gopalpur port during and after construction of all weather direct berthingGopalpur Ports Ltd169.002012-2021
Dr. P.K. Mohanty, ProfessorPrediction of coastal water quality under coastal research schemeMinistry of Earth Sciences113.002018-2021
Dr. P.K. Mohanty, ProfessorValue addition of Marine Fishery products( startup project)Convergence Department, Govt. of Odisha.29.402016-continuing
Dr. Shesdev Patro, Assistant ProfessorMarine Biodiversity Study of Dhamra (Consultancy Project)Dhamara Port Co. Ltd.11.482016-2017
Dr. K.C. Sahu, ProfessorSATCORE (National Network Project) Characterizing coastal water quality using bio-optical properties with special emphasis to phytoplankton size classINCOIS, Govt. of India65.032012-2017
Dr. B.K. Sahu, Former Professor.Biogeochemical Control and Feedbacks on Primary Production in NE-Coast of Bay of Bengal off Mahanadi Estuary, OrissaMinistry of Earth Sciences13.472008-2012
Dr. B.K. Sahu, Former ProfessorMonitoring and Surveillance of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Indian EEZMinistry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India10.232007-2012
Dr. K.C. Sahu, Professor,SATCORE (National Network Project) In-situ analysis of bio-optical properties of water quality parameters off Rushikulya Estuary and southern coast of OrissINCOIS, Govt. of India41.932009-2012
Dr. P.K. Mohanty, ProfessorRainfall characteristics and water chemistry of southern Orissa in relation to varied weather conditionsDST, Govt. of India21.92007-2010
Dr. P.K. Mohanty, ProfessorShoreline Management Plan for Gopalpur coast and shoreline changes through satellite dataMinistry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India35.862007-2010
Dr. P.K. Mohanty, ProfessorPreparation of Detailed Project Report on ICZMP, OrissaChilika Development Authority, Govt. of Odisha1.202008-2011
Dr. P.K. Mohanty, ProfessorEIA Study on the construction of Lighthouse at DhamraMinistry of Shipping, Govt. of India2.65Feb., 2010-April, 2010
Dr. P.K. Mohanty, ProfessorTemperature and Rainfall characteristics in the eastern ghats region of southern Orissa covering Malkangiri and Koraput districtsDST, Govt. of India18.252009-2012

Staff and their achievements

  • Prof. P.K. Mohanty has been nominated as the Member of State Expert Appraisal Committee constituted by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India, New Delhi from 2019 to 2022

Students/research scholars & their achievements

  • Dr Rabindra Kumar Sahoo joined as Scientist D in the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India
  • Ms. Sreepada Bal secured 1st position in the GeoScientist Examination conducted by the UPSC.
  • Ms. Latika Patel, M.Sc. (Oceanography) has cleared C.S.I.R. NET LS (2018)
  • Mr. Yudhistir Reddy, M.Sc. (Oceanography) has joined as Doctoral Research fellow at UQAM (Universite du Quebec a Montreal), Canada
  • Mr. Chandanlal Parida, Ph.D. scholar of the department has joined as Research Associate in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
  • Ms. Ranjana Yadav, M.Sc. student of the department has joined National Institute of Oceanography, CSIR, Goa as Ph.D. Research Scholar.
  • Ms. Arunima Panigrahy and Ms. Amita Choudhury were selected as Research Fellow in National Institute of Oceanography, Mumbai

Department of Marine Sciences Alumni Association

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Department Facilities


Sl. No.TopicSpeakerDownload
1Microsplastic Research in IndiaPravakar Mishra, Scientist- F, NCCR, Ministry of Earth Sciences
2Current Trends In Marine Fish Species Discovery In IndiaDr. Anil Mohapatra, Scientist- E, EBRC-Zoological Survey of India
3Marine Litter Monitoring & Management ProgrammeDr. Danja Hoehn Adams
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized
Sl. No.DateTitle of the
No. of Participants
127 February to 01 March, 2020National seminar on "Coastal Ocean-Atmosphere Science and Technology- COAST 2020"250
229 Feb., 20201st Alumni meet of the Department of Marine Sciences was organized on 29 Feb., 2020150
321st September 2019As part of the Swacha Bharat Abhiyan and to make our coast and ocean Plastic and debris free, Coastal Cleanup Drive was organized at Gopalpur, Puri and Rushikulya beaches by the Department of Marine Sciences along with NCCR, Chennai on 21st September 2019. Students, research scholars and scientists from various Government and private sectors participated.650
4May & June, 2019Campus placement drive was organized by the Department for recruitment of students in private aquaculture company B-One and Falcon Marine50
5September 15, 2018International Coastal cleanup Day was observed at Gopalpur Beach involving staff and students of the university, scientists and other officials from state and central government, students of different nearby colleges and local public.200
6June 5, 2018 Observed World Environment Day 2018 by organizing awareness rally and beach clean programme at Gopalpur Beac200
723 March 2015National workshop on Coastal Ocean Observations60
825-26 February 2013 National Seminars on Marine Biodiversity and Coastal Pollution,100
924-25 February 2012National Seminars on Integrated Coastal Zone Management,100
1008-09 February 2010A workshop cum MB meeting was organized under the auspices of OASTC in collaboration with Marine Science Department50