Sandip Kumar Dash

Dr.Sandip Kumar Dash

Designation: Assistant Professor (Stage-II)

Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D.

Phone No.: 9438764504

ORCID: http://0000-0002-2730-4341


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Dr. Sandip Kumar Dash is working as Asst. Prof. in the Dept. of Zoology, Berhampur University and formally engaged in the field of Nanotechnology, Molecular Biosensors, and Molecular Diagnosis of different bacterial and viral diseases. His teaching area of specialization is Animal Physiology, Cell Biology, and Immunology....

Dr. Dash has more than six years of research/teaching experiences during which he has published several research articles and book chapters of National and International repute. He is a life member of several National and International societies like ISZS, IAAM, ISCA, AMI, and SBC. Dr. Dash is serving as Editor/Reviewer in different National and International Journals like Acta Scientific Microbiology, Talanta, J Phys Chem Solids etc.

Nanotechnology, Molecular Diagnostics, Biosensors

  • Sharma M, Dash SK, Meenu, Kumar A, Application of carbon nanotubes for development of genosensor. Proceedings of National Seminar on Internet: Applications in Research 2011. ISBN No. 978-81-920945-1-9 (Proceeding)
  • Patnaik S, Dash SK, Sethi D, Kumar A, Gupta KC, Kumar P, Engineered polymer-supported synthesis of 3′-carboxyalkyl-modified oligonucleotides and their applications in the construction of biochips for diagnosis of the diseases. Bioconjugate Chem 2012, 23(3):664-670. ISSN No. 1520-48 I.F. 4.7
  • Sharma M, Yadav S, Dash SK, Kumar A, Nanotechnology in enzyme sensors: A review. Proceedings of National Seminar on Challenges in Combating Diseases: Cause to Cure, 2012. ISBN No. 978-81-920945-2-6 (Proceeding).
  • Kumar A, Dash SK, Sharma DP, Suman, DNA based biosensors for detection of pathogens. In Molecular Approaches for Plant Fungal Disease Management. Singh HP, Chowdappa P, Chakroborty BN, Podie AR, Eds. Westville Publishers, Delhi, 2012, pp 31-35. ISBN No. 978-81-85873-84-8 (Book Chapter).
  • Dash SK, Sharma M, Kumar A, Diagnostic techniques and treatment of meningitis. In Meningitis: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment. Houllis G, Karachalios M, Eds. Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York, 2012, pp 203-223. ISBN No. 978-1-62100-833-0 (Book Chapter).
  • Dash SK, Sharma M, Khare S, Kumar A, rmpM gene as a genetic marker for human bacterial meningitis. CellMolBiol 2012, 58:26-30. ISSN No. 1165-158 doi: 10.1170/T917 I.F. 1.77
  • Dash SK, Khare S, Sharma M, Kumar A GenBank NCBI, 2010HQ712170
  • Dash SK, Khare S, Sharma M, Kumar A GenBank NCBI, 2010HQ712171
  • Dash SK, Sharma M, Khare S, Kumar A, Quick diagnosis of human brain meningitis using Omp85 gene ampilicon as a genetic marker. Ind J Microbiol 2013, 53(2):238-240. ISSN No. 0973-77. doi: 10.1007/s12088-013-0371-6 I.F. 3.0
  • Dash SK, Sharma M, Khare S, Kumar A, Omp85 genosensor for detection of human brain bacterial meningitis. Biotechnol Lett 2013, 35:929-935. ISSN No. 1573-67. doi:10.1007/s10529-013-1161-2 I.F. 2.7
  • Dash SK, Sharma M, Khare S, Kumar A, rmpM genosensor for detection of human brain bacterial meningitis in cerebrospinal fluid. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 2013, 171:198-208. ISSN No. 1559-02. doi: 10.1007/s12010-013-0339-3 I.F. 3.0
  • Dash SK, Sharma M, Khare S, Kumar A, Carbon
    Mercaptooctadecane/cccarboxylated multi-walledcarbon nanotubes composite based genosensor for detection of bacterial meningitis. Ind J Microbiol 2013, doi: 10.1007/s12088-013-0435-7. ISSN No. 0973-77. doi:10.1007/s12088-013-0435-7 I.F. 3.0
  • Dash SK, Sharma M, Khare S, Kumar A, A carbon composite biomaterial based electrochemical DNA nanoensor for human brain meningitis. 2014, 18(10):2647-2659. ISSN No. 1433-07 doi: 10.1007/s10008-014-2525-9 I.F. 2.5
  • Bhatt N, Khan N, Dash SK, Khare S, Kumar A nspA gene as a specific genetic marker for the detection of Neisseria meningitidis causing bacterial meningitis. Ind J Biochem Biophys 2014, 51(3):211-214. ISSN No. 0975-09. I.F. 1.476
  • Dash SK, Khare S, Kumar A Human brain damage detection using PorA marker. J Bacteriol Mycol: Open Access 2017: 5 (1): 00118. ISSN No. 2469-2786. doi: 10.15406/jbmoa.2017.05.00118.
  • Dash SK, Kumar A, Detection of pathogenic bacteria: A genosensor approach. J Bacteriol Mycol: Open Access 2017: 4 (3): 00095. ISSN No. 2469-2786. doi: 10.15406/jbmoa.2017.04.00095 (Book Chapter).
  • Dash SK Herpes Meningoencephalitis: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment. In. Disease Which Requires Optimal Approach in Emergency Manner. Pana M Intech Open, Craotia, 2017 PP 49-60. ISBN No. 978-953-51-5002-2 (Book Chapter).
  • Panda B, Lenka A, Paikray AK, Dash SK Molecular diagnostic tools and techniques for COVID-19. In. Recent Trends in Global COVID-19 Pandemic. Sikarwar AP, Yadav BC, Eds. Shriyanshi Prakashan, U.P., 2020, pp 169-179. ISBN No. 978-93-81247-84-6 (Book Chapter).
  • Panda B, Dash SK Electrochemical fabrication and characterization of a gold-polyaniline/multi-walled carbon nanotubes/manganese dioxide composite electrode. Ind J Sc Technol 2021, 14(40): 3007-3013. ISSN No. 0974-6846 DOI:10.17485/IJST/v14i40.1420 I.F. 1.68
  • Lenka A, Panda B, Sahu CK, Panda N, Dash SK Optical sensor-based hydrogen gas detection, In. Sensors for stretchable electronics in nanotechnology. Pal K, Eds. CRC Press Taylor &Francis Group, Boca Raton, New York, 2021 pp 105-141. ISBN NO. 978-0-367-64281-5 (Book Chapter).
  • Panda B, Lenka A, Paikray AK, Dash SK, Coronavirus disease-19 and health management. In. Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19): Past, Present, and Future. Dobhal R, Uniyal DP, Bharadwaj KN, Eds. UCOST, India, 2022 pp 221-241. ISBN: 978-93-93097-97-2 (Book Chapter).
  • Panda B, Lenka A, Dixit, Dash SK, Biosynthesis, biofunctionalization, and bioapplications of manganese nanomaterials: An overview, In. Biomaterials based sensors. Kumar P, Dash SK, Ray S, Parween S, Eds. Springer Nature, Netherlands, 2023 pp 73-100. ISBN: 978-981-19-8501-0 (Book Chapter)
  • Biomaterials based sensors. Kumar P, Dash SK, Ray S, Parween, Springer Nature, Netherlands, 2023. ISBN: 978-981-19-8501-0 (Book).

  • Ms. Madhusmita Padhee (M.Phil.): Laboratory based synthesis of manganese oxide nanoparticles
  • Ms. Bandita Panda (Ph.D.): Green synthesis of manganese nanoparticles for biomedical and environmental applications
  • Ms. Archita Lenka (M.Phil. & Ph.D.: Molecular approaches for the diagnosis of bacterial urinary tract infection
  • Mr. Ashok Pradhan (P.A. & Ph.D.): Antimicrobial activity of sulphonamide conjugated biogenic silver bimetallic alloy nanoparticles

  • A genosensor for detection Bacillus anthracis spores from water samples, Duration: 02 years, Budget: 10 Lakh, UGC, India
  • Development of a chemical optode for the detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Duration: 03 years, Budget: 7.88 Lakh, S&T Dept. Govt. of Odisha
  • Biosynthesis and Characterization of Ag-MnO2 Nanoparticles for Antimicrobial Application and Sulphonamide Conjugation for Ani-Parasitic Property Development, Duration: 02 years, Budget: 4.92 Lakh, OSHEC, Govt. of Odisha
  • Nano projects in CoE related to disease diagnosis, Berhampur University, Duration: 05 years, Budget: 300 Lakh, World Bank, and OHEPEE, DHE, Govt. of Odisha

  • Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Immunology

  • Faculty of the year: 2014-15 (SIT College, APS University)
  • Best Thesis Award: 2013-14 (M.D. University, Haryana)
  • N.K. Sahu Memorial Medal-2008 (M.Sc.)

Life Member/ Member

  • International Nano Science Community (NANOPAPRIKA)
  • Indian Science Congress Associations (ISCA)
  • Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI)
  • Society of Biological Chemists (SBC)
  • Odisha Bigyan Academy (OBA)
  • International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM)


  • Acta Scientific Microbiology
  • International Journal of Zoological Sciences
  • Talanta (Elsevier)
  • Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (Elsevier)
  • Indian Journal of Microbiology (Springer)
  • IP Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology
  • Biomed Research International
  • UP Journal of Zoology