Name of the CoE:

“Bioprospecting of Ethno-pharmaceuticals of Southern Odisha to explore their potential against cancer, infectious and autoimmune diseases (CoE-BESO)”Date and Year of the Establishment: 01.04.2020


Berhampur University

Remarkable achievements made by now:
  • Germplasm base of various chemotypes and morphotypes of Clitoria ternatea, Globa racemosa and Bauhinia vahili with higher targeted metabolite content is established.
  • A de novo transcriptome assembly of ternatea have been generated by RNAseq approach and uploaed in NCBI ( = PRJNA648284). Genes (Squalene cyclase, F-3’-H and F3’5’-H) regulating differential accumulation of taraxerol in the root tissues and delphinidin in flowers have been identified.
  • Through transcriptomic genomic approaches nearly 300 SSR markers developed and validated by constructing a molecular map of ternatea covering 399.45 cM with an average marker interval of 3.841 cM. This map also used for identification of QTLs containing taraxerol content in roots and Delphinidin content in shoots.
Prof. Jogeswar Panigrahi
Berhampur University
  • In sillico interaction studies of bioactive metabolites of ternatea with Toll like receptors and inflammatory molecules such as TNF- α, IL6, IL1β, IL17A, IL17F led to identification Delphinidin, Taraxerol, Kaempherol as candidate phytocompounds for autoimmune disorder and cancer therapeutics.
  • the process of harvesting taraxerol and delphinidin through in vitro root culture and callus culture of Clitoria ternatea has been optimized

Research Publications: 18 no. (Seven Q1, Eight Q2 and two Q3) with cumulative SCI impact factor of 88.006.

Benefits/Societal Impact of the R&D activities pursued in CoE:
  • The genetic resources (germplasm base, mapping population, SSR marker and Molecular map) could be utilized for translating research in C. ternatea for the development elite genotype with higher targeted phytocompunds.
  • The process of harvesting taraxerol and delphinidin could be scaled- up for the production of the target phytocompounds with anti-cancer and anti-tumour activity as well as lead molecules for the treatment of auto-immune disorders.
  • Development and refinement of mass propagation technologies for the developed genotypes, processing and purification of targeted phyto-compounds (as lead drug compounds) in collaboration with pharmaceutical/herbal industry collaborators.